Tag: Technology
All longform pieces tagged with #technology on The Slow Scroll
Darren Loucaides writes about Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, and the events that led to his arrest. It contrast Durov's public image versus his actions, and how Telegram’s relationship with governments and its approach to content moderation shifted significantly over time.
We all have different lines when it comes to how and when AI should be used. Benjamin Breen writes about some of his experiments with it while using it for historical research, and how it can be a valuable tool.
The way we receive information about our world is unlike any previous generations of humanity. Paradoxically, it's destroying democracy—and Trump's America is the main canary in the coal mine.
The author discusses how AI technology is increasingly taking over daily tasks, but often falls short in delivering real utility. At tech conventions, companies promote futuristic ideas while offering products that lack quality and practicality. Overall, the push for AI feels mor...
Philip Ball finds Nicholas Carr’s “Superbloom: How Technologies of Connection Tear Us Apart” disturbingly compelling.