Tag: Policy
All longform pieces tagged with #policy on The Slow Scroll
The rich have turned the region into “ultra-exclusive enclaves,” creating hazardous living conditions for everyone else.
When Lisa Gorman noticed that a grove of her majestic oaks had died, she cast her suspicions on seasonal neighbors who wanted a better view of the harbor. The fight that ensued became a town drama that rages on to this day.
Kalispell, Montana, has blocked residents from using the bus and parks, but a federal injunction has stopped it from closing a shelter.
How did the US become filled with sprawl? Simplistic debates about "centralized planning" versus "the free market" belie the truth: that a strong coalition of private and public interests helped create the sprawl that dominates our landscape.
Caitlín Doherty writes about the last days of Davos as its relevance is waning.
During the LA fires, dozens of fire trucks sat in the boneyard, waiting for repairs the city couldn't afford. Why? A private equity roll-up made replacing and repairing those trucks much pricier.